A Few Words on Jogging
Former University of Oregon track coach Bill Bowerman, with unidentified runners in the early 1960s.
Jogging is free. It is convenient and enjoyable. It is safe. It requires no special skills or equipment. And it can benefit nearly everyone who is not ill or disabled. And jogging is reasonable. You can grow fit without greatly changing your personal habits. Within reason, you can still eat what you like...and take a drink. Remember only that good sense is the best guide to healthful living.
These words are from Bill Bowerman's classic book Jogging, page 7.
In a world engulfed with unnecessary complexity, gizmos, apps, and gear, Bill's words speak the clear truth. He reminds the reader of the eloquent simplicity of jogging, growing fit, and living healthfully.
No hacks required.
Thanks for reading. I'm glad you're here. // jm